Am I a candidate for a Breast Augmentation?​​​​​​​

Breasts are often seen as a symbol of femininity, sexiness and female empowerment yet many women are dissatisfied with the size of their breasts and long to have a larger and shapelier chest. There are also some who deal with asymmetry and need a Breast Augmentation to achieve symmetry and proportion. Breast augmentation surgery is undoubtedly one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed in the United States. However, it is not automatically the most suitable solution for every woman who is unhappy with their chest size.

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Advantages of FemTouch​​​​​​​

It may not be the most talked about cosmetic treatment, but vaginal rejuvenation is transforming the lives of countless women everywhere. During our lifetime, our most intimate area undergoes a variety of changes, many triggered by health or hormones. Unfortunately, not all of these changes are beneficial, and some leave us suffering from pain, discomfort and a range of health problems that are both debilitating and embarrassing. Fortunately, vaginal rejuvenation techniques such as FemTouch are enabling women to regain control and feel happier and more confident with this private part of their body.

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Am I a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?​​​​​​​

If the appearance and feel of your abdomen leaves you in despair, rest assured that you aren’t alone. When it comes to parts of our body that we dislike the most, the abdomen area is usually somewhere near the very top of the list. There are a range of different reasons why people dislike their midsection, but regardless of the cause of their discomfort, the fallout of being unhappy with this aspect of our appearance can be difficult to live with. You may find that you don’t feel that you can wear the clothes that you would like to, or that any clothes that you wear draw attention to your abdomen. Some people refuse to let others around them and even their partners see their stomach. Loss of confidence, feeling unattractive and even depression can occur. Fortunately, there is a solution that can transform the way that your abdomen looks and even feels – tummy tuck surgery.

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3 Ways to Treat Your Acne At-Home​​​​​​​

When you have acne, it can be embarrassing to even go outside on some days— with pimples covering your face and your skin being red and inflamed, it can make you feel less than attractive. If you suffer from acne and don’t know how to treat it, try these at-home remedies to help calm your

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Dr. Funt was featured in the article ‘The Miracle Worker’

Dr. Funt was recently interviewed by the publication Mid Day. In the article Dr. Funt talks to Moeena Halim about the positives of cosmetic surgery, how he helps patients’ boost their confidence and why surgery is not a nip or a tuck but based on an understanding of the anatomy.

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Cosmetic Surgery Trends for 2020​​​​​​​

Cosmetic surgery procedures are more popular today than ever before. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nearly 18 million people opted for either a surgical or minimally invasive cosmetic procedure in 2018 alone – a figure up nearly a quarter of a million on the previous year. One thing is certain, our desire

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