Facts About the Mid-Facelift Procedure
For those interested in enhancing their appearance, but are worried about scarring or lengthy recovery periods, a mid-facelift may be the perfect procedure.
The mid-facelift procedure targets the mid-region of the face, from the lower eyelids to the upper corners of the mouth. The procedure is an excellent solution for patients who wish to look younger, but do not need to address laxity of the chin, jawline, or neck.
Want to learn more? Here are some of the most important things to know about the mid-facelift:
The procedure requires only small incisions in the muscle tissue of the face
The mid-facelift is performed under either general or local anesthesia, and takes about 90 minutes to complete
Mid-facelifts are ideal for patients over the age of 45, who wish to rejuvenate their appearance without undergoing invasive facelift surgery
Side-effects following a mid-facelift are rare, though some patients may experience temporary bruising, swelling, or discomfort
The results of a mid-facelift procedure are subtle, yet a difference is noticeable almost immediately
Considering a Mid-Facelift? Contact Dr. David K. Funt Today!
Schedule a consultation with Dr. Funt at any of his offices located in Woodmere, Garden City, or Manattan. For more information, contact us today.
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