Otoplasty (also known as ear surgery or ear pinning) is a surgical procedure that is designed to reduce large or protruding ears. This procedure sets the ears back closer to the head and brings balance and proportion to the ears which, in turn, help improve the overall balance of your facial features. Otoplasty can be done for both adults and children, as long as the ear is fully developed, which generally takes place by age four. Because this procedure only involves the outer ear, not the inner ear, it does not affect hearing ability.

There are three typical abnormalities inherent in otoplasty candidates:

  1. An external ear that is larger than normal. Most often, otoplasty candidates have angled ears or ears that protrude significantly from the head.
  2. An ear that looks flat across the upper half. With a normal ear, there is a well-defined ridge (or antihelix) across the upper half.
  3. An earlobe that protrudes excessively from the head.

A good candidate for otoplasty should be in good health with no serious, pre-existing medical conditions. Optimal candidates should also have realistic expectations of the procedure’s outcome. Before making a decision to have an otoplasty procedure, you and your doctor will also want to discuss important factors such as age, skin type, ethnic background and healing rate.

The process involves making an incision behind the ear where the ear connects with the head. The cartilage and skin is then removed accordingly to bring the ear closer. The cartilage may be trimmed to reshape it and pin it back with sutures to secure the cartilage. Sometimes, no cartilage is removed at all; instead, the surgeon may simply use stitches to reshape the cartilage permanently. Incisions and scars are hidden discreetly behind the ear. After surgery, pain is usually very tolerable and can be easily controlled with medication. Typically, patients are able to return to work or school in as little as five days.

To learn more about Otoplasty, or any other services we offer, please contact us at (516) 295-0404 or (212) 257-0007.

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